Source code for sksurgeryvtk.models.voxelise

""" Re-impelmentaiton of voxeilsation code from

import logging
import math
from typing import Union, Tuple
import os
import vtk
from vtk.util import numpy_support
import numpy as np

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Not being as strict with linting on this file, as it has all been copied
# from the original repo.
# pylint:disable=invalid-name, unused-variable, too-many-branches
# pylint:disable=logging-too-many-args, logging-not-lazy
# pylint:disable=logging-format-interpolation

[docs]def distanceField(surfaceMesh, targetGrid, targetArrayName: str, signed=False): """Create a distance field between a vtkStructuredGrid and a surface. :param surfaceMesh: Outer polygonal surface :param targetGrid: Grid array of points :type targetGrid: vtk.vtkStructuredGrid :param targetArrayName: The distance field values will be stored in the \ target grid, with this array name. :type targetArrayName: str :param signed: Signed/unsigned distance field, defaults to False (unsigned) :type signed: bool, optional """ # Initialize distance field: df = vtk.vtkDoubleArray() df.SetNumberOfTuples(targetGrid.GetNumberOfPoints()) df.SetName(targetArrayName) # Data structure to quickly find cells: cellLocator = vtk.vtkCellLocator() cellLocator.SetDataSet(surfaceMesh) cellLocator.BuildLocator() for i in range(0, targetGrid.GetNumberOfPoints()): # Take a point from the target... testPoint = [0] * 3 targetGrid.GetPoint(i, testPoint) # ... find the point in the surface closest to it cID, subID, dist2 = vtk.mutable(0), vtk.mutable(0), vtk.mutable(0.0) closestPoint = [0] * 3 cellLocator.FindClosestPoint( testPoint, closestPoint, cID, subID, dist2) dist = math.sqrt(dist2) df.SetTuple1(i, dist) if signed: pts = vtk.vtkPolyData() pts.SetPoints(targetGrid.GetPoints()) enclosedPointSelector = vtk.vtkSelectEnclosedPoints() enclosedPointSelector.CheckSurfaceOn() enclosedPointSelector.SetInputData(pts) enclosedPointSelector.SetSurfaceData(surfaceMesh) enclosedPointSelector.SetTolerance(1e-9) enclosedPointSelector.Update() enclosedPoints = enclosedPointSelector.GetOutput() for i in range(0, targetGrid.GetNumberOfPoints()): if enclosedPointSelector.IsInside(i): df.SetTuple1(i, -df.GetTuple1(i)) # invert sign targetGrid.GetPointData().AddArray(df)
[docs]def distanceFieldFromCloud(surfaceCloud, targetGrid, targetArrayName): """Create a distance field between a vtkStructuredGrid and a point cloud. :param surfaceMesh: Pointcloud of surface :param targetGrid: Grid array of points :type targetGrid: vtk.vtkStructuredGrid :param targetArrayName: The distance field values will be stored in the \ target grid, with this array name. """ # Initialize distance field: df = vtk.vtkDoubleArray() df.SetNumberOfTuples(targetGrid.GetNumberOfPoints()) df.SetName(targetArrayName) # Data structure to quickly find cells: pointLocator = vtk.vtkPointLocator() pointLocator.SetDataSet(surfaceCloud) pointLocator.BuildLocator() for i in range(0, targetGrid.GetNumberOfPoints()): # Take a point from the target... testPoint = [0] * 3 targetGrid.GetPoint(i, testPoint) # ... find the point in the surface closest to it cID, subID, dist2 = vtk.mutable(0), vtk.mutable(0), vtk.mutable(0.0) closestPoint = [0] * 3 closestPointID = pointLocator.FindClosestPoint(testPoint) closestPoint = [0] * 3 surfaceCloud.GetPoint(closestPointID, closestPoint) #closestPoint = [0]*3 #surfaceMesh.GetPoint( closestPointID, closestPoint ) dist = math.sqrt( vtk.vtkMath.Distance2BetweenPoints( testPoint, closestPoint)) #dist = math.sqrt(dist2) df.SetTuple1(i, dist) targetGrid.GetPointData().AddArray(df)
[docs]def createGrid(total_size: float, grid_elements: int): """Returns a vtkStrucutredGrid. :param total_size: Total size of the grid i.e. How long is each dimension. \ Each indivdual element has size equal to total_size/grid_dims :type size: float :param grid_dims: Number of grid points in x/y/z :type grid_dims: int :return: grid :rtype: vtkStructuredGrid """ grid = vtk.vtkStructuredGrid() grid.SetDimensions((grid_elements, grid_elements, grid_elements)) points = vtk.vtkPoints() points.SetNumberOfPoints(grid_elements**3) pID = 0 start = -total_size / 2 d = total_size / (grid_elements - 1) for i in range(0, grid_elements): for j in range(0, grid_elements): for k in range(0, grid_elements): x = start + d * k y = start + d * j z = start + d * i points.SetPoint(pID, x, y, z) pID += 1 grid.SetPoints(points) return grid
[docs]def storeTransformationMatrix(grid, tf): """ Store a transformation matrix inside a vtk grid array.""" mat = tf.GetMatrix() matArray = vtk.vtkDoubleArray() matArray.SetNumberOfTuples(16) matArray.SetNumberOfComponents(1) matArray.SetName("TransformationMatrix") for row in range(0, 4): for col in range(0, 4): matArray.SetTuple1(row * 4 + col, mat.GetElement(row, col)) grid.GetFieldData().AddArray(matArray)
[docs]def loadTransformationMatrix(grid): """ Extract a transformation matrix fom a vtk grid array.""" matArray = grid.GetFieldData().GetArray("TransformationMatrix") if matArray: tf = vtk.vtkTransform() mat = vtk.vtkMatrix4x4() for i in range(0, 16): val = matArray.GetTuple1(i) mat.SetElement(int(i / 4), i % 4, val) tf.SetMatrix(mat) return tf raise IOError("No 'TransformationMatrix' array found in field data.")
[docs]def unstructuredGridToPolyData(ug): """ Convert vtk unstructured grid to vtk poly data.""" geometryFilter = vtk.vtkGeometryFilter() geometryFilter.SetInputData(ug) geometryFilter.Update() return geometryFilter.GetOutput()
[docs]def extractSurface(inputMesh): """ Extract surface of a mesh. """ surfaceFilter = vtk.vtkDataSetSurfaceFilter() surfaceFilter.SetInputData(inputMesh) surfaceFilter.Update() surface = surfaceFilter.GetOutput() return surface
[docs]def load_points_from_file(filename): """ Extract vtk mesh from input file. :returns: Vtk mesh. """ if not os.path.exists(filename): raise ValueError(f'File {filename} does not exist') fileType = filename[-4:].lower() if fileType == ".stl": reader = vtk.vtkSTLReader() elif fileType == ".obj": reader = vtk.vtkOBJReader() elif fileType == ".vtk": reader = vtk.vtkPolyDataReader() elif fileType == ".vtu": reader = vtk.vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader() elif fileType == ".vtp": reader = vtk.vtkXMLPolyDataReader() else: raise IOError( "Mesh should be .vtk, .vtu, .vtp, .obj, .stl file!") reader.SetFileName(filename) reader.Update() mesh = reader.GetOutput() return mesh
[docs]def voxelise(input_mesh: Union[np.ndarray, vtk.vtkDataObject, str], output_grid: Union[vtk.vtkStructuredGrid, str] \ = None, array_name: str = "", size: float = 0.3, grid_elements: int = 64, move_input: float = None, center: bool = False, scale_input: float = None, reuse_transform: bool = False, signed_df: bool = True ): """ Creates a voxelised distance field, stores it in a vtkStructuredGrid, optimally writes to disk. :param input_mesh: Input mesh/points. Can be path to model file, \ or numpy array. Units of mesh should be in metres. :type input_mesh: Union[np.ndarray, str :param output_grid: Either a vtkStrucutredGrid object, or a file that contains one (or will be created). If not specified, a grid will be created. :type output_grid: Union[vtk.vtkStructuredGrid, str], optional :param array_name: Name of array in which to store distance field, \ if not specified, defaults to preoperativeSurface for if signed_df = True, else intraoperativeSurface :type array_name: str, optional :param size: Grid size, defaults to 0.3 :type size: float, optional :param grid_elements: Number of x/y/z elements in grid, defaults to 64 \ :type grid_elements: int, optional :param move_input: Move the input before transforming to distance field \ (movement is applied before scaling! defaults to None :type move_input: float, optional :param center: Center the data around the origin. defaults to False :type center: bool, optional :param scale_input: Scale the input before transforming to distance field \ (movement is applied before scaling!). Input is expected to be in metres, \ if it is in mm, set scale_input to 0.001 defaults to None :type scale_input: float, optional :param reuse_transform: Reuse transformation already stored in the grid. Use this if you want to center mesh 1 and then apply the same transformation to mesh 2. Mutually exclusive with center, scale_input and move_input. defaults to False :type reuse_transform: bool, optional :param signed_df: Calcualte signed or unsigned distance field. defaults to True :type signed_df: bool, optional :return grid: Grid containing distance field. :rtype: vtk.vtkStructuredGrid """ input_is_point_cloud = False if isinstance(input_mesh, str): mesh = load_points_from_file(input_mesh) elif isinstance(input_mesh, vtk.vtkDataObject): mesh = input_mesh else: input_is_point_cloud = True pts = vtk.vtkPoints() verts = vtk.vtkCellArray() for i in range(input_mesh.shape[0]): pts.InsertNextPoint(input_mesh[i][0], input_mesh[i][1], input_mesh[i][2]) verts.InsertNextCell(1, (i,)) mesh = vtk.vtkPolyData() mesh.SetPoints(pts) mesh.SetVerts(verts) input_is_point_cloud = True # If no array name was given, use sensible defaults: if array_name == "": if signed_df: array_name = "preoperativeSurface" else: array_name = "intraoperativeSurface" output_grid_is_file = isinstance(output_grid, str) output_grid_is_vtkgrid = isinstance(output_grid, vtk.vtkStructuredGrid) if output_grid_is_file and not output_grid.endswith(".vts"): raise IOError("Output grid file needs to be .vts!") if reuse_transform and (center or move_input or scale_input): raise IOError( "reuse_transform may not be used together with center, \ moveInput or --scaleInput!") mesh = unstructuredGridToPolyData(mesh) bounds = [0] * 6 mesh.GetBounds(bounds) LOGGER.debug( "Resulting bounds: \ ({:.3f}-{:.3f}, {:.3f}-{:.3f}, {:.3f}-{:.3f})".format(*bounds)) #################################################### # Load the output mesh if it is a file, otherwise it is a vtkStructuredGrid: if output_grid_is_file: if os.path.exists(output_grid): reader = vtk.vtkXMLStructuredGridReader() reader.SetFileName(output_grid) reader.Update() grid = reader.GetOutput() if grid.GetPointData().GetArray(array_name): err = f"The output file {output_grid} already has a \ field named {array_name}!" raise IOError(err) b = grid.GetBounds() size = b[1] - b[0] grid_elements = grid.GetDimensions()[0] else: grid = createGrid(size, grid_elements) elif output_grid_is_vtkgrid: grid = output_grid b = grid.GetBounds() size = b[1] - b[0] grid_elements = grid.GetDimensions()[0] # We don't already have a grid, create one else: grid = createGrid(size, grid_elements) #################################################### # Transform input mesh: tf = vtk.vtkTransform() if scale_input is not None: LOGGER.debug("Scaling point cloud by: %s", scale_input) tf.Scale([scale_input] * 3) if move_input is not None: LOGGER.debug("Moving point cloud by: %s", move_input) tf.Translate(move_input) if center: bounds = [0] * 6 mesh.GetBounds(bounds) dx = -(bounds[1] + bounds[0]) * 0.5 dy = -(bounds[3] + bounds[2]) * 0.5 dz = -(bounds[5] + bounds[4]) * 0.5 LOGGER.debug("Moving point cloud by: %s", (dx, dy, dz)) tf.Translate((dx, dy, dz)) if reuse_transform: try: tf = loadTransformationMatrix(grid) except BaseException: print("Warning: reuse_transform was set, but no previous \ transformation found in grid. \ Won't apply any transformation.") tfFilter = vtk.vtkTransformFilter() tfFilter.SetTransform(tf) tfFilter.SetInputData(mesh) tfFilter.Update() mesh = tfFilter.GetOutput() LOGGER.debug("Applied transformation before voxelization:") LOGGER.debug(tf.GetMatrix()) # Remove previous array with the same name, if it exists if grid.GetPointData().GetArray(array_name): grid.GetPointData().RemoveArray(array_name) #################################################### # Compute the (signed) distance field on the output grid: LOGGER.debug("Will save results in array '" + array_name + "'.")"Voxelization") if not input_is_point_cloud: surface = extractSurface(mesh) if signed_df: distanceField(surface, grid, array_name, signed=True) else: distanceField(surface, grid, array_name, signed=False) else: distanceFieldFromCloud(mesh, grid, array_name) #################################################### # Write the applied transform into a field data array: storeTransformationMatrix(grid, tf) #################################################### # Write the applied transform into a field data array: if output_grid_is_file: LOGGER.debug("Writing grid to file %s", output_grid) outputFolder = os.path.dirname(output_grid) if not os.path.exists(outputFolder): os.makedirs(outputFolder) write_grid_to_file(grid, output_grid) return grid
[docs]def write_grid_to_file(grid: vtk.vtkStructuredGrid, output_grid: str): """Write vtkStructuredGrid to file :param grid: Grid to write :type grid: vtk.vtkStructuredGrid :param output_grid: File path :type output_grid: str """ LOGGER.debug("Writing to %s", output_grid) writer = vtk.vtkXMLStructuredGridWriter() writer.SetFileName(output_grid) writer.SetInputData(grid) writer.Update()
[docs]def extract_array_from_grid_file(input_grid_file: str, array_name: str) -> np.ndarray: """ Read an array from vtkStructuredGrid file :param input_grid_file: Input file, should be a vtkStructuredGrid file :type input_grid_file: str :param array_name: Array to extract from grid :type array_name: str :return: Extracted array :rtype: np.ndarray """ reader = vtk.vtkXMLStructuredGridReader() reader.SetFileName(input_grid_file) reader.Update() input_grid = reader.GetOutput() return extract_array_from_grid(input_grid, array_name)
[docs]def extract_array_from_grid(input_grid: vtk.vtkStructuredGrid, array_name: str) -> np.ndarray: """Read an array from a vtkStructuredGrid object :param input_grid: Input data grid :type input_grid: vtk.vtkStructuredGrid :param array_name: Array to extract from grid :type array_name: str :return: Extracted array :rtype: np.ndarray """ data = input_grid.GetPointData() array = numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(data.GetArray(array_name)) return array
[docs]def extract_surfaces_for_v2snet(input_grid: vtk.vtkStructuredGrid) \ -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Conveience function to extract the pre and intraoperative surfaces, to pass to V2SNet. :param input_grid: Grid containing pre and intraoperative surfaces :type input_grid: vtk.vtkStructuredGrid :return: pre and intraoperative surfaces as numpy arrays :rtype: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] """ preop = extract_array_from_grid(input_grid, 'preoperativeSurface') intraop = extract_array_from_grid(input_grid, 'intraoperativeSurface') return preop, intraop
[docs]def save_displacement_array_in_grid(array: np.ndarray, out_grid: Union[vtk.vtkStructuredGrid, str], array_name: str = "estimatedDisplacement"): """ Save numpy data as an array within a vtkStructuredGrid. Mainly used for storing calculated displacement field. :param array: Numpy array :type array: np.ndarray :param out_grid: Grid in which to store array :type out_grid: Union[vtk.vtkStructuredGrid, str] :param array_name: Array name, defaults to "estimatedDisplacement" :type array_name: str, optional """ grid_is_file = isinstance(out_grid, str) if grid_is_file: grid = load_structured_grid(out_grid) else: grid = out_grid df = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(array) df.SetName( array_name ) if grid.GetPointData().HasArray(array_name): grid.GetPointData().RemoveArray(array_name) LOGGER.debug("Warning: Overwriting array %s", array_name) grid.GetPointData().AddArray(df) if grid_is_file: write_grid_to_file(grid, out_grid)
[docs]def load_structured_grid(input_file: str): """Load vtkStructuredGrid from file :param input_file: Path to vtk structured grid file :type input_file: str :raises TypeError: :return: Loaded grid :rtype: vtk.vtkStructuredGrid """ if input_file[-4:].lower() != ".vts": raise TypeError("Input file should be .vts type") reader = vtk.vtkXMLStructuredGridReader() reader.SetFileName(input_file) reader.Update() grid = reader.GetOutput() return grid
[docs]def applyTransformation(dataset, tf): """Apply a transformation to each data array stored in vtk object. :param dataset: Vtk object containing array(s) :param tf: Transform :type tf: vtk.vtkTransform """ for i in range(dataset.GetPointData().GetNumberOfArrays()): arr = dataset.GetPointData().GetArray(i) if arr.GetNumberOfComponents() == 3: for j in range(arr.GetNumberOfTuples()): data = arr.GetTuple3(j) transformed = tf.TransformVector(data) arr.SetTuple3( j, transformed[0], transformed[1], transformed[2])
[docs]def apply_displacement_to_mesh(mesh: Union[vtk.vtkDataObject, str], field: Union[vtk.vtkStructuredGrid, str], save_mesh: Union[bool, str] = False, disp_array_name: str = 'estimatedDisplacement'): """Apply a displacement field to a mesh. The displacement field is stored as an array within a vtkStructuredGrid. :param mesh: Mesh to deform, can either be path to file or vtk object. :type mesh: Union[vtk.vtkDataObject, str] :param field: Grid containing displacement field, can either be path \ to file or vtk object. :type field: Union[vtk.vtkStructuredGrid, str] :param save_mesh: If a file name is passed, the deformed mesh is saved \ to disk, defaults to False :type save_mesh: Union[bool, str], optional :param disp_array_name: Name of array within vtkStructuredGrid containing \ the displacement field, defaults to 'estimatedDisplacement' :type disp_array_name: str, optional :return: Displaced mesh :rtype: vtk.vtkPolyData """ if isinstance(mesh, str): mesh = load_points_from_file(mesh) if isinstance(field, str): field = load_structured_grid(field) # In case the field data was transformed, also transform the test data: scale = 1 # default try: tf = loadTransformationMatrix(field) tf.Inverse() LOGGER.debug("Applying transform") tfFilter = vtk.vtkTransformFilter() tfFilter.SetTransform(tf) tfFilter.SetInputData(field) tfFilter.Update() field = tfFilter.GetOutput() # Apply transformation also to all vector fields: applyTransformation(field, tf) scale = tf.GetMatrix().GetElement(0, 0) #pylint:disable=broad-except except Exception as e: print(e) print("Could not find or apply transformation. Skipping.") # Threshold to ignore all points outside of field i.e. # Points outside of the model: threshold = vtk.vtkThreshold() threshold.SetInputArrayToProcess( 0, 0, 0, vtk.vtkDataObject.FIELD_ASSOCIATION_POINTS, "preoperativeSurface") threshold.SetLowerThreshold(0) threshold.SetThresholdFunction(threshold.THRESHOLD_LOWER) threshold.SetInputData(field) threshold.Update() fieldInternal = threshold.GetOutput() # Interpolate displacement field to points on mesh kernel = vtk.vtkGaussianKernel() kernel.SetRadius(0.01 * scale) kernel.SetKernelFootprintToRadius() interpolator = vtk.vtkPointInterpolator() interpolator.SetKernel(kernel) interpolator.SetNullPointsStrategyToMaskPoints() interpolator.SetValidPointsMaskArrayName("validInternalPoints") interpolator.SetSourceData(fieldInternal) interpolator.SetInputData(mesh) interpolator.Update() output = interpolator.GetOutput() # Actually displace the points in the mesh by adding the displacement # to the point coordinates displaced_points = vtk.vtkPoints() for i in range(output.GetNumberOfPoints()): p = output.GetPoint(i) displaced_points.InsertNextPoint(p) validInternalPoints = output.GetPointData().GetArray("validInternalPoints") displacement = output.GetPointData().GetArray(disp_array_name) np_disp = numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(displacement) np_vip = numpy_support.vtk_to_numpy(validInternalPoints) for i in range(output.GetNumberOfPoints()): validity = validInternalPoints.GetTuple1(i) if validity > 0.5: p = output.GetPoint(i) p = np.asarray(p) d = displacement.GetTuple3(i) d = np.asarray(d) p_d = p + d displaced_points.SetPoint(i, p_d[0], p_d[1], p_d[2]) output.SetPoints(displaced_points) if save_mesh: writer = vtk.vtkXMLPolyDataWriter() writer.SetInputData(output) writer.SetFileName(save_mesh) writer.Update() # Undo transformation so that field is 'reset' for future use tf = loadTransformationMatrix(field) LOGGER.debug("Reversing transform") tfFilter = vtk.vtkTransformFilter() tfFilter.SetTransform(tf) tfFilter.SetInputData(field) tfFilter.Update() field = tfFilter.GetOutput() # Apply transformation also to all vector fields: applyTransformation(field, tf) return output
# class NonRigidAlignment: ## Example wrapper class # def __init__(self, # preop_surface: Union[np.ndarray, str], # displacement_estimator = None, # scale_input: float = None): # self.displacement_estimator = displacement_estimator # self.grid = \ # voxelise(preop_surface, # signed_df=True, # center = True, # scale_input = scale_input) # def load_surface(self, intraop_surface): # self.grid = \ # voxelise(intraop_surface, # output_grid=self.grid, # signed_df=False, # reuse_transform=True) # def calculate_displacement(self): # displacement = self.displacement_estimator.get_displacement(self.grid) # save_displacement_array_in_grid(displacement, self.grid) # def displace_model(self, model, save_mesh=None): # return apply_displacement_to_mesh(model, self.grid, save_mesh)