Source code for sksurgeryvtk.models.surface_model_loader

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

Module to load VTK surfaces using dictionary from ConfigurationManager.

# pylint: disable=too-many-branches

import logging
import os

import vtk

import sksurgeryvtk.models.vtk_surface_model as sm

LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class SurfaceModelLoader: """ Class to load VTK surface models and (optionally) associate them with vtkAssembly's. Surfaces should be defined in a .json file and loaded for example using sksurgerycore.ConfigurationManager. Surfaces have format: .. code-block:: "surfaces": { "tumor": { "file": "path/to/model/tumor.vtk", "colour": [255, 0, 0], "opacity": 0.5, "visibility": true, "pickable": true, "toggleable": true, "texture": "path/to/texture/image.png", "outline": false } Assemblies have format: .. code-block:: "assemblies": { "whole model": ["part1", "part2", "part3"] } """ def __init__(self, data, directory_prefix=None): """ Loads surface models and (optionally) assemblies from dictionary loaded by sksurgerycore.ConfigurationManager. :param data: data from sksurgerycore.ConfigurationManager :param prefix: directory name prefix as string """ self.named_assemblies = {} self.named_surfaces = {} self.directory_prefix = directory_prefix if 'surfaces' in data.keys(): surfaces = data['surfaces'] else: raise KeyError("No 'surfaces' section defined in config") # Load surfaces for surface_name in surfaces: config = surfaces[surface_name] surface = self.__load_surface(config) surface.set_name(surface_name) self.named_surfaces[surface_name] = surface if 'assemblies' in data.keys(): assemblies = data['assemblies'] self.__check_assembly_duplicates(assemblies) # Iterate over assemblies for assembly in assemblies:"Adding assembly: %s", assembly) new_assembly = vtk.vtkAssembly() # Iterate over surfaces in this assembly for surface_name in assemblies[assembly]:"Adding surface: %s to assembly: %s", surface_name, assembly) # Check surface exists and add to assembly if surface_name in self.named_surfaces: surface = self.named_surfaces[surface_name] new_assembly.AddPart( else: raise KeyError(f"Trying to add {surface_name} to \ vtkAssembly, but it is not a valid surface.") self.named_assemblies[assembly] = new_assembly def __load_surface(self, config): if 'file' in config.keys(): file_name = config['file'] else: raise KeyError("No 'file' section defined in config") if 'opacity' in config.keys(): opacity = config['opacity'] else: raise KeyError("No 'opacity' section defined in config") if 'visibility' in config.keys(): visibility = config['visibility'] else: raise KeyError("No 'visibility' section defined in config") if 'colour' in config.keys(): colour = config['colour'] else: raise KeyError("No 'colour' section defined in config") if 'pickable' in config.keys(): pickable = config['pickable'] else: raise KeyError("No 'pickable' section defined in config") outline = False if 'outline' in config.keys(): outline = config['outline'] colour_as_float = [colour[0] / 255.0, colour[1] / 255.0, colour[2] / 255.0 ] tmp_name = file_name if self.directory_prefix is not None: tmp_name = os.path.join(self.directory_prefix, tmp_name) model = sm.VTKSurfaceModel(tmp_name, colour_as_float, visibility, opacity, pickable, outline) if 'texture' in config.keys(): texture_file = config['texture'] if self.directory_prefix is not None: texture_file = os.path.join(self.directory_prefix, texture_file) model.set_texture(texture_file) if 'no shading' in config.keys(): no_shading = config['no shading'] model.set_no_shading(no_shading) return model @staticmethod def __check_assembly_duplicates(assemblies): """ Load the model names from all assemblies into a list, then convert it to a set. With no duplicates, the elements in the set should be the same as the elements in the list. """ all_models = [] for assembly in assemblies: all_models.extend(assemblies[assembly]) unique_models = set(all_models) if len(all_models) != len(unique_models): raise ValueError("Assemblies do not contain unique elements.")
[docs] def get_assembly(self, name): """ Fetches a vtkAssembly using the name. :param name: name of the assembly, as string :return: vtkAssembly """ return self.named_assemblies[name]
[docs] def get_assembly_names(self): """ Returns the set of valid assembly names. :return: keys from self.named_assemblies """ return self.named_assemblies.keys()
[docs] def get_surface_model(self, name): """ Fetches a VTKSurfaceModel using the name. :param name: name of the model :return: VTKSurfaceModel """ return self.named_surfaces[name]
[docs] def get_surface_model_names(self): """ Returns the set of valid model names. :return: keys from self.named_surfaces """ return self.named_surfaces.keys()
[docs] def get_surface_models(self): """ Convenience method, to get all models. Useful for unit testing for example. :return: list of VTKSurfaceModel """ return self.named_surfaces.values()